

Monday, March 21, 2016

Let's Join Puncak Jaya - Papua

Jayawijaya mountain is named for the mountain range that stretches lengthwise in the middle of West Papua and Papua (Indonesia) to Papua New Guinea, Newguinea Island. Rows of mountains which has some of the tallest in Indonesia was formed by the removal of the bottom of the sea thousands of years ago. Although located at an altitude of 4,800 meters above sea level, fossilized sea shells, for example, can be seen on the limestone and clastic contained in Jayawijaya Mountains. Therefore, apart from being a paradise for sport climbers, Jayawijaya Mountains is also a paradise for geologists world of special interest. 

‘Puncak Jayawijaya’ designation is given by the President (Ir. Soekarno) after successfully grabbed the sovereignty of West Papua from the Dutch. This name meaning "pinnacle of victory", as an expression of gratitude for the unification of West Papua with the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

Jayawijaya Mountains has 6 peaks, namely Puncak Jaya (formerly Carstensz Pyramide Peak), Puncak Meren, Puncak Northwall, Puncak Ngga Pulu Peak, Puncak Sudirman, and Puncak Trikora. Peaks with eternal snow exists only in four of the first peak. Of the six peaks of these mountains, Puncak Jaya is the highest peak at 4,884 meters above sea level (masl).

The beauty of the peaks Jayawijaya or better known as the Pyramid of Carstensz climbers listed as one of the top seven continents (seven summit) which is phenomenal and a coveted mountaineers in various parts of the world. Carstensz taken from the name of the inventor of these mountains, Jan. Carstenz who see their snowy peaks in the tropics through an ocean liner in 1623.

Let's Join Mount Bromo - East Java

Mount Bromo is a very famous mountain in Indonesia. The mountain is located in East Java with four parts of the region, Pasuruan, Malang, Probolinggo and Lumajang. Mountain with an elevation 2.392 mdpl is one of the mountains in Indonesia that was active. Mount Bromo is part of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Famous for its sand and sea of the caldera or crater exotic and sunrise views are very beautiful. There are four entrances to reach the area of Tourism Bromo is Cemorolawang (Probolinggo), Wonokitri (Pasuruan), Ngadas Tumpang (Malang) and Burno (Lumajang).

The history of Mount Bromo is never escape from legendary story of Joko Seger and Roro Anteng, this story develops from generation to generation, until now. This legend is a legend supposedly formation of the crater of Mount Bromo, Batok and the sea of sand mountains that surround the caldera of Bromo.

In ancient times, when the kingdom of Majapahit turmoil because of the many attacks that threatens the kingdom, Majapahit’s resident is confusion to find a safe place. In the run, eventually they split into two groups, one to the mountains around Bromo with group leader is King and Queen and the other to the Island of Bali.

After several decades, the population who living in the mountains around Bromo began to adjust to the environment, until finally a baby born from the couple of King and Queen, named Roro Anteng. And not far from where the King and Queen stay, also was born a baby boy who  descendant of Brahmin, named Joko Seger.

Once they grow up, the two children had fallen in love, but in the course of their love story there was a giant who tried to separate the two of them, by proposing Roro Anteng with a force, but Roro Anteng not willing, and reject subtle ways, by ask the requirement to make a lake on top of Mount Bromo with only one night. The terms had been received and the process of the lake is almost finished, but the Giant was foiled by cunning of Roro Anteng. Giant was angry and threw the coconut shells used to dig the lake earlier. And reputedly that coconut shells was enlarged so as to form a mountain Batok, while the lake was turned into a crater.

The beauty that can be enjoyed at Mount Bromo is enjoying the sunrise (sunrise) and the vast ocean expanse of sand and a beautiful view of the background is Mount Semeru, Mount Bromo and Mount Batok. The uniqueness from Mount Bromo is the sea of sand has an area of approximately 10 square kilometers around the crater of Bromo emitting white smoke.

Besides watching the beautiful panorama of Mount Bromo - Semeru, On any given day tribal societies held a traditional ceremony perch famous Kasodo ceremony. Kesodo ceremony is a ritual to invoke the abundant harvest or decline the request for reinforcements and cure various diseases, namely by offering offerings by thrown into the crater of Mount Bromo.

The best time to visit Mount Bromo is during the dry season between May and October because the visitors can enjoy the panoramic beauty of Mount Bromo perfectly.